Supplements for Optimal Health

Supplements for Optimal Health

Supplements for Optimal Health & Performance Omega 3 (Essential Fatty Acids) One component of nutrition that deserves significant attention is essential fatty acids (EFAs). EFAs cannot be produced by the body and therefore they must come from the food we eat, hence the word “essential.” They are the main structural components of our cell membranes and…

Vitamin B Complex Deficiency

Vitamin B Complex Deficiency

Symptoms That Can Arise From Vitamin B Complex Deficiency Vitamin B complex deficiency is a serious problem because most Americans, particularly children and teens, have it. Vitamin B complex deficiency causes a syndrome that mimics dozens of other mental and physical conditions. Millions of people may be treated with powerful drugs and surgery for conditions…

Natural Headache Cures

Top 4 Natural Headache Cures You Need to Know

All-Natural Headache Cures Instead of depending on pain medications to get you through the day, perhaps you could try one of these drug-free natural headache cures for relief. Chiropractic Adjustments: Research shows that neck adjustments can decrease disability and pain in many patients with cervicogenic headaches and helps reduce the frequency of migraine headaches. Trigger Point Therapy:…