Symptoms That Can Arise From Vitamin B Complex Deficiency
Vitamin B complex deficiency is a serious problem because most Americans, particularly children and teens, have it. Vitamin B complex deficiency causes a syndrome that mimics dozens of other mental and physical conditions. Millions of people may be treated with powerful drugs and surgery for conditions caused by B Complex Deficiency Syndrome because they are diagnosed as having other conditions.
B Complex Deficiency Syndrome causes more problems than all other nutritional deficiencies and imbalances. Symptoms can range from emotional disorders (such as depression, confusion, illogical fears and even suicide) to heart disorders (such as heart failure, complete heart block, cardiac arrhythmias) and more. With children, the emotional problems are more severe and can include depression, nervousness, anxiety, irritability, mental fatigue, manic depression, paranoid thinking, hostility, rage, vague and morbid fears and worse.
B Complex Deficiency Syndrome can also cause severe nerve and muscle problems. The B vitamins including B4, the “unknown” B vitamin, are essential to proper nerve function in the body. Without proper nerve function, muscles, including the heart, suffer
Unfortunately, the answer is not a “mega B complex” from your local pharmacy or “health” food store. The problem with these vitamins is that they are typically isolated synthetic portions of the B complex rather than the complete B complex. Again, they are primarily missing vitamin B4. Vitamin B4 and all the other B vitamins come from raw, organic foods and extracts. We have learned that when it comes to serious heart problems, B vitamins only work in their complete and proper combination. Unfortunately, the foods richest in B vitamins are those that almost no one eats, especially in the amounts needed. They include a special yeast, wheat germ, adrenals, liver beet root juice, rice bran, carrots and more. Since eating pounds of these foods is impossible, we instead turn to Whole Food Supplements made from those sources and processed without heat or chemicals to maintain their vital life force.
If you or someone you know suffers from heart disease, emotional problems, nerve and muscle problems or just wants to maintain normal strength as you age, it is vital that you treat the underlying source. In children, it is critical that they get real vitamin B to have a fair chance at developing normally.