Unhealthy Spine Typically Gives Warning Signs
Your heels wear out unevenly. This can be due to uneven leg length, stress along the length of your spine, or fallen arches in your feet.
You cannot take a satisfying deep breath. Breathing, spinal health, and energy are all interrelated.
Your jaw “clicks.” This can be cause by neck or hip subliuxation (bones out of alignment). It can also be due to TMJ – Temporomandibular, or jaw, dysfunction.
You have to ‘crack’ your neck, back or other joints a lot. This can be caused by areas of your spine that are locked, jammed or irritated.
You cannot tilt or turn your head or hips to either side equally or easily. Reduced or restricted ranges of motion in the body are signs of a misaligned spine.
You are often fatigued and feel stressed. An unbalanced spine and irritated and tired postural muscles drain your energy levels and can reduce your level of performance.
You have poor concentration. Subluxations will affect brain health. A subluxation is when one of the bones (vertebrae) in your spine is not moving properly, this can lead to stress on the postural muscles in the area, inflammation locally at joints, nerve irritation. This can result in distracting pain messages being sent to the brain and it can interfere with normal thought processes.
You have low resistance to disease. Subluxation affects your immune system which plays an important role in your resistance to disease and your ability to fight infection causing recurring colds, fever, ear infection, etc.
Your foot flares out when you are walking. This test is easy as long as you don’t cheat! Merely look down at your feet when you are walking. Do they both point forward, or does one foot appear to flare outward or inward? Do both? Foot flare may be a sign of a problem in the lower spine or hips, or meningeal stress in the upper neck or base of the skull.
One leg appears to be shorter than the other. Keep your shoes on and lie down on your stomach. Have someone stand behind you at the foot of the bed, they look down at your feet, and gently apply pressure to your heels toward your head (don’t lift your feet or bend your knees…this test is performed with your legs straight). Compare where the heels meet the shoes. On foot (it is often the right foot) may appear to be anywhere for 1/8″ to 1″ shorter than the other.
You have poor posture. Stand on two bathroom scales. The weight distribution should be about the same over each foot. If it is not, that is a good sign that your spine, hips, or head are off-center and your body is not properly balanced.
You have headaches, backaches, sore or tender spots in muscles or joints. These are common signs of subluxation (bones out of alignment).
You have constant stressful feeling and tenstion especially in your muscles and joints (such as those in your spine, knee, and shoulder). Muscles and joints are affected by subluxation.
You feel stiffness in your back and neck. Stiffness may be a sign of subluxation damage.
You just don’t feel right. You are in general poor health. Vertebral subluxation complexes can affect your overall health and sense of well-being.
Chiropractic Adjustment
A good chiropractic adjustment will help reposition the bone or vertebra into its normal place removing your pain and restoring your health.
Dr. Steven Becker is located on the corner of Beverly Drive & Pico Blvd. and is affiliated with CedarsâSinai Medical Center and has subâspecialties in Chiropractic Neurology and Orthopedics. Dr. Steven Becker lives and works in Los Angeles and frequently sees patients from the surrounding neighborhoods in West Los Angeles (West LA) including Century City, Beverly Hills and Culver City. He specializes in treating headaches, neck pain, sciatica, coccydynia and spinal stenosis. Please feel free to call with any questions or comments (310)277â8822.