Many people ask this question, and there are several reasons to see a chiropractor if you feel like you have pain in your neck and shoulders. Chiropractic treatment is a great way to treat this type of problem, and it can be very beneficial.
In the past, chiropractic therapy was used to treat headaches, back pain, arthritis, tennis elbow, and many other conditions. But the fact is that a spinal injury does not cause most of these conditions. These days, chiropractors are being trained more on treating spinal injuries, which is why they are finding more patients with conditions like neck and shoulder pain.
It may surprise you to know that chiropractors can help repair the spinal cord, which is a significant reason why people who have had an injury have pain in their neck or shoulders. They use spinal manipulation techniques to help to correct any imbalances that have occurred in the nervous system.
Since spinal manipulation is usually done in a chiropractic office, you won’t have to worry about visiting any physical therapists or going to the hospital for this treatment. And, since most chiropractors are insured and bonded, your insurance company should not object to your seeing a chiropractor.
The chiropractic treatment may vary depending on the severity of the problem. In some cases, the doctor may only recommend a chiropractic office visit, and you will receive a recommendation from him or her. And in other cases, the doctor may recommend that you see a chiropractor for further treatment.
When it comes to chiropractic treatment for your back and neck, it’s essential to realize that the chiropractor can give you many different types of manipulatives. Some of these manipulations can be manual, while others can be electrical, and some of them can be heated. These are just some of the things that the chiropractor can do to help you.
The manual manipulation is usually done with the patient lying down on his or her back. And sometimes, the chiropractor will place the hands under the patient’s back or legs to help loosen up the spine and thus increase the range of motion of the spine. So, the chiropractor moves his or her hands back and forth from the side to stretch the spine.
The electric manipulation is slightly different because instead of using your hands, the chiropractor uses an electric current to stimulate the spine’s joints. And this helps to stimulate the back and loosen up the muscles. The chiropractor will place the fingers of one hand over specific points on the spine and stimulate them with the electrical current. The muscle contractions help restore the normal range of motion to the muscles of the spine.
The last type of manipulation is called heat manipulation. The chiropractor will put the hands on the lower back and apply heat directly to the spine’s muscles. And this helps to tighten the muscles by using heat. And this is probably the most effective type of manipulation.
Once you’ve decided whether you should see a chiropractor for back and neck pain, you’ve also decided what kind of chiropractic treatment you want. There are many ways to get the chiropractic treatment you need, so take some time to do your research.