Does a Chiropractor Perform Physical Therapy?
Suppose you are suffering from any of the following ailments such as chronic pain, arthritis, or injuries to the back, neck, or hip. In that case, you may wonder, can my chiropractor perform physical therapy? Often patients come into a chiropractor office to seek advice on how to treat their injury or condition and then ask, “Can my chiropractor perform physical therapy?” In a chiropractic office, they have many different options available for them. They can choose to use manual therapy and other non-invasive procedures or opt for surgery or even spinal adjustment techniques.
Many chiropractors will only perform physical therapy if necessary, to achieve a spinal adjustment or other invasive procedures to treat the injury or condition. For example, if someone is injured in the neck area, the first thing that is likely to be suggested is an X-ray to rule out a fracture. This type of test is often done daily, so the patient is not required to stay overnight in the office. After the X-rays, the patient may be advised to rest for a few days or weeks. If the X-ray is positive, the chiropractor will then perform an adjustment. A type of adjustment will usually be done daily, and the patient is never required to stay overnight.
Some chiropractors will also do physical therapy on an inpatient basis. For example, they will often perform physical therapy on patients who have just had a spinal adjustment. Once the patient has had enough time to recover, the chiropractor may perform physical therapy or other manipulation techniques on the client. The patient is often sent home with a guide to help the person return to their normal daily activities and resume their daily routine.